What it means that game uses cryptographic hash functions as a proof of fair play? When you start round a game state string is generated, and hash of it is displayed to you. After you lose or win original GSS (game state string) is displayed and you can verify that the hash is correct. More important fact is that GSS contains a readable wining/losing states that you can verify yourself (for example: in a "mines" game it will be position of all mines) after you end the game. This is the way some games use to show you that the game is really fair.
So basically when you crack that hash you will get GSS before you even start playing, and that will make you always win. Cracking that hash should be very hard and almost impossible and it strictly depends on GSS construction. However if GSS is bad designed you will be able to win everytime.
The best way to crack that game is to generate all possible GSSs with their hashes (this is so called "rainbow table"), but when the GSS is well designed you'll need a lot of storage (ex. thousands of petabytes). There are some GSS dynamic components (like timestamp) which make generating rainbow table impossible and that is why sometimes better option would be cracking hash on the fly (using GPU, multiple GPUs, etc.). But we have same issue here - if the GSS is well designed or you don't have enough computing power you will be waiting months, years, decades or even ages.
Now lets try to crack real example.
Satoshi-Karoshi is mines-like gambling game using bitcoin currency. There is "Free play!" option so we'll use it for our research purposes.
Step 1: Understanding GSS (game state string) structure and its implications.

First of all we need to collect some samples ("Free play!" option):
# 2x3 map: 128c4256f6fdf057b8cd759a137721efb412b10e - (2,2,2 | 2013-05-25 10:59:20)1ab8f2 84c2b4349e8884d1f024d579c4d6379bc6b46c49 - (1,2,2 | 2013-05-25 11:00:03)33bc57 # 3x6 map: 2fc25b3c901f49ada25b17d84eee033e8313a920 - (1,2,1,2,2,1 | 2013-05-25 11:00:18)b2c1af e91cc7503926463dc9e2b9a75ee6c4378b058e40 - (3,1,2,2,2,2 | 2013-05-25 11:00:33)5c0e90 # 4x9 map: 74b8b7f6fb186e784883c496ed30468453c5afeb - (3,2,1,3,3,3,1,1,4 | 2013-05-25 11:00:57)b120d0 66570d11f8da47917f65e5754a875f947828d365 - (3,2,4,4,3,2,4,1,3 | 2013-05-25 11:01:17)c607fc # 5x11 map: 936523f9bd3055011fbc95cd25e174b3eef762a2 - (3,4,4,1,2,4,5,3,5,1,5 | 2013-05-25 11:01:42)b599d1 73dfff09231396ebafc7aba4a1cd84156a180ffc - (3,4,2,1,3,3,1,5,1,3,5 | 2013-05-25 11:02:38)f2b4e7It's obvious that GSS structure contains 3 different sections, and can be written as:
(MINES[positions] | TIMESTAMP)HEXSTRINGWe can't generate rainbow table because of timestamp and assuming that we will be able to "guess" it, lets calculate all possibles GSSs (ignoring timestamp for now).
map 5x11 - 819200000000000 combinations (5^11[MINES] * 16^6[HEXSTRING]) map 4x9 - 4398046511104 combinations (4^9[MINES] * 16^6[HEXSTRING}) map 3x6 - 12230590464 combinations (3^6[MINES] * 16^6[HEXSTRING}) map 2x3 - 134217728 combinations (2^3[MINES] * 16^6[HEXSTRING})So what about timestamp? We can synchronize our local computer time with game server time with some requests, or just use "Date" field from HTTP header (when you click "Free play!" there is ajax POST in the background which contains server time in http response header).
Step 2: Cracking
In ideal world we should be able to use existing tools for sha1 gpu brute-force cracking with "mask" feature (because we already know GSS structure, and we know that MINES section are numbers separated by comma, first character is always "(", etc.). oclhashcat is a great gpu hash cracker with "mask" attack support, but the maximum password length (in our case password=GSS) is set to 15 (and unfortunately oclhashcat is closed source). I haven't search enough to see if there are another alternatives gpu crackers with "mask" support but looking closer at combinations number for 2x3 map (134217728 is relatively small) we don't need to use GPU after all. I've written small brute-force cracker using fast sha1 implementation in x86 assembly by Nayuki Minase. I've modified only main() function from sha1test.c which now looks like:
... int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc<3) { // change it for MT, cause of extra argument printf("\n%s HASH DATETIME\n\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } // self-check if (!self_check()) { printf("Self-check failed\n"); return 1; } // change hash string (argv[1]) into proper array of uint32_t, quick&dirty way :) uint32_t search[5]; char search_str[40]; uint8_t tmp[9]; int i,k; memcpy(search_str, argv[1], 40); for(i=0,k=0;i<40;i+=8,k++) { memcpy(tmp, search_str+i, 8); tmp[8] = 0; search[k] = (uint32_t)strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); } // HEXSTRING section uint8_t chars[] = "731fda260594be8c"; // shuffled uint32_t chars_len = strlen(chars); // MINES section uint8_t markers[] = "12"; uint32_t markers_len = strlen(markers); // message template uint8_t message[36] = "(-,-,- | 2013-05-22 15:46:01)------"; // fill timestamp memcpy(message+9, argv[2], 19); // fill mines for MT /*message[1] = argv[3][0]; message[3] = argv[3][1]; message[5] = argv[3][2];*/ // cracking int i_a, i_b, i_c, i_d, i_e, i_f, i_m1, i_m2, i_m3; uint32_t hash[5]; for(i_m1= 0; i_m1<markers_len; i_m1++) // remove for MT for(i_m2= 0; i_m2<markers_len; i_m2++) // remove for MT for(i_m3= 0; i_m3<markers_len; i_m3++) // remove for MT for(i_a=0; i_a<chars_len; i_a++) for(i_b=0; i_b<chars_len; i_b++) for(i_c=0; i_c<chars_len; i_c++) for(i_d=0; i_d<chars_len; i_d++) for(i_e=0; i_e<chars_len; i_e++) for(i_f=0; i_f<chars_len; i_f++) { // MINES section message[1] = markers[i_m1]; // remove for MT message[3] = markers[i_m2]; // remove for MT message[5] = markers[i_m3]; // remove for MT // HEXSTRING section message[34] = chars[i_f]; message[33] = chars[i_e]; message[32] = chars[i_d]; message[31] = chars[i_c]; message[30] = chars[i_b]; message[29] = chars[i_a]; // printf("%s\n", message); sha1_hash(message, 35, hash); // check generated hash if (hash[0]==search[0] && hash[1]==search[1] && hash[2]==search[2] && hash[3] == search[3] && hash[4] == search[4]) { message[35] = 0; printf("Found: %s\n", message); return 0; } } return 0; } ...In spite of one thread this code crack that hash in seconds. However extending to simplified multithreading for 2x3 map is easy, proper lines are marked with *MT comment in code. After changes in code we should run 8 separate threads, like in that bash script:
#!/bin/bash ./crack $1 "$2" 111 & ./crack $1 "$2" 112 & ./crack $1 "$2" 121 & ./crack $1 "$2" 122 & ./crack $1 "$2" 211 & ./crack $1 "$2" 212 & ./crack $1 "$2" 221 & ./crack $1 "$2" 222 &
And video of using it in action (I've used multithreaded version to make video length little shorter):
WARNING! If you want to win some bitcoins in that game, you should know that games for real bitcoins have different GSSs which are far more complicated and can't be cracked easily!
UPDATE 30-08-2013:
oclHashcat-plus v0.15 is capable of cracking passwords longer than 15 characters, although performance is worse. You can read more details in release note here